27 Oct

The West Highland Terrier, also known as the Westie or West Highland White Terrier, is a small white dog. They originated in 17th century Scotland and were bred to hunt foxes, badgers, and rodents. 

West Highland Terriers are often between 15 and 20 pounds and can get to 10 or 11 inches tall. They are very stocky dogs but can be very fast and agile. Westies are highly intelligent and cunning hunters. Unlike most other dog breeds, Westies only come in one color; white. The Westies' white coat makes them easily distinguishable from other prey in the field while hunting. It is rumored that a colonel accidentally killed his own red Cairn, who he mistook to be a fox, and decided to create a new breed that he would easily be able to distinguish from prey. 

Not only does the Westies coat make them stand out, it is also thick enough to push through tough shrubs and thorns in the woods. Strangely enough, the Westies strong tails are used to drag them back up from burrows after chasing their prey. 


While Westies are loyal and great family companions, they do tend to be self resilient and independent which can make them hard to train. With a little patience and a lot of love you can turn a boisterous puppy into a well behaved adult. Consistency is key! While treats are a great way to encourage your puppy during training its important to keep your Westie on a well balanced, healthy diet. Westies tend to gain weight quite easily!

Before being widely known as the West Highland White Terrier these playful, alert, and inquisitive dogs were once known as the Roseneath Terrier. Westies were formally acknowledged by the Kennel Club of England in 1906. West Highland Terriers are closely related to the Scottish Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Skye Terrier, and Dandie Dinmont Terrier. True to their background Westies are feisty, energetic, and determined. West Highland Terriers are your typical terrier, they love to hunt and they also have the tendency to bark often and dig frequently. With their usual terrier temperament, Westies can be a danger to other small house pets.

The average life span for a Westie is 15 to 20 years! The most common illnesses suffered by Westies are dental disease, ear disease, overgrown nails, allergic skin disorder, and obesity.  Which all, thankfully, can be taken care of if caught early and treated properly. 

All in all, Westies are loyal, rambunctious, and energetic animals! They can be great pets and even better hunting companions! 

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